The Stanislavski Centre and The University of California Riverside, in collaboration with DAMU Theatre Academy, Prague, present
The S Word: Merging Methodologies
Co-conveners: Prof Paul Fryer (Rose Bruford College of Theatre & Performance), and Jakub Korčák (DAMU).
Creative Adviser: Prof Bella Merlin (University of California Riverside).
Creative Adviser: Prof Bella Merlin (University of California Riverside).
at DAMU Theatre Academy, Prague, Czech Republic – 24th, 25th and 26th March, 2017
Keynote speakers – Professor Anatoly Smeliansky (Moscow Art Theatre School), Professor Jan Burian (General Director, Czech National Theatre).
Following on from our first international symposium (The S Word: Stanislavski and the Future of Acting) we are very pleased to announce the Call for Papers/Presentations for the second major event which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic in March 2017.
Merging Methodologies invites you to explore how Stanislavski’s work and teaching has been adopted, adapted, developed and re-invented since his death in 1938.
How did Stanislavski’s disciples use his approach to theatre, and how did they make it their own; how has this approach been translated into other methods and how much have we lost in translation; who carries the torch for Stanislavski today and why; how do other (newer) methodologies compare and how much do they owe to what has gone before?
How did Stanislavski’s disciples use his approach to theatre, and how did they make it their own; how has this approach been translated into other methods and how much have we lost in translation; who carries the torch for Stanislavski today and why; how do other (newer) methodologies compare and how much do they owe to what has gone before?
We invite written proposals for contributions in the following formats:
individual papers (20 minutes’ duration), practical/workshop sessions (45 minutes’ duration) and panel presentations (60 minutes’ duration).
individual papers (20 minutes’ duration), practical/workshop sessions (45 minutes’ duration) and panel presentations (60 minutes’ duration).
In the first instance please send a short written proposal (no more than 300 words) to Prof. Paul Fryer:, to arrive no later than Wednesday 30th November.
Registration for this event is now available online, please visit:
There is an early-bird booking rate (saving 30% on the full rate) available until 2nd January 2017.
Information about accommodation will be made available in December.
For further information, please contact Paul Fryer (